
 CPUs: Core Count vs. Clock Speed, Which Is Better?

The central processing unit (CPU, or processor) on your computer is by far one of the strongest...

 Forgetting and Forgiving, the conditions to be great

One time ago when I attended a seminar event, the speaker is a couple which living in Aceh. The...

 Hardware RAID vs Software RAID: The great religious debate

If you recall our previous hypothesis, we made the case that hardware raid served virtually no...

 If Today is your last day, 'What will you do?

The sentence pronounced by Steve Jobs when he made a speech in front of Stanford graduates in...

 Learning from Failure

Everyday i meet many of growth colleagues, friends and some social life, both in the virtual...

 Learning from Others

A few ten years ago, every time I had a discussion with a friend which is not in accordance with...

 Think a Bigger Goal

Once upon a time ago, my friend as a manager in one of IT companies, tells me some story, at...

 VPS or Dedicated Server

With dedicated servers becoming more and more powerful, older dedicated servers come down in...