Forgetting and Forgiving, the conditions to be great

One time ago when I attended a seminar event, the speaker is a couple which living in Aceh. The husband comes from a family that is well off because his parents were civil servants who have positions pretty well, while the wife’s background – behind family mediocre, and for the school to finish her college has no achievement at all, because IQ is below average ,

In the seminar, the couple recounts the journey of a career in life, it is very interesting in the fight for life. They ever sell donuts around to offer from store to store, selling refills water . That eventually they can be successful in building his own business, of all the wisdom that I catch, there is one thing I remember the most, she said that to be great we must be willing to forget what others have done to us, and the need to forgive. Because of resentment in others, is a burden in life, so we can not think about the future, but just think of the past alone.

I ever felt the same, and it’s not easy to forgive who had ruin my business, that’s what I thought at the time. Some time ago I learned from someone whose life is very successful and in his sharing he said that if we hate or revenge on someone, is like we drink the poison and we want others to die. After I thought about his words, I think he’s right. Because when my revenge on someone or hate someone our hearts will feel pain, never ending hurt will cause effects on the physical also feel pain. Everytime remembering it, I would feel disappointed. These feelings are a burden in life, but for us to rise above, we should be able to release all the existing load.

What I did at that moment, I began doing flashbacks, what will happen if they do not do that to me. And finally now I am actually grateful, because if it does not happen, maybe my life will be the same as before. There is no significant progress, with the incident so I learned a lot. The lessons I’ve learned is, that brought me to my present life.

My mentor taught to always grateful in all circumstances, and we have to do a good deed every day. Initially too hard for me to grateful in a state that does not reassure. But after I follow the advice of my mentor, I began to see that in difficulty, hardship or challenges faced there is always a positive thing that we can receive. So now when I encounter problems, I would always find a solution, and then I am grateful that I am getting a lesson for me to grow. After I did this, the live load was light once, and I can be more productive in my work.

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