Calculation (simple calculator) for counting MT4 that can be handled by VPS (can be seen on our HELP page, this is simple calculation only)
MEMORY Consumption (this consumption only "seen" 12 - 24 hours after MT4 run. running at VPS not for a while but all the time)
per MT4 = 200M
per chart = 100M - 300M (depend on chart used, example M1, needed 300M)
3 MT4, each used 3 chart (timeframe H1, M15, and H4)
3 MT4 x 200M = 600M
2 chart (additional) x 3 (with 3 MT4) x 100M (we take the most minimal) = 600M
Total = 1,2 GB
Well this requires a minimum of 2 GB package (PRO). Classic can run, but not safe (200M more than 1 GB). At high impact news will seems memory consumption will increase dramatically, and get worsen with the smaller timeframe. Sample case in brexit case with M1 timeframe, 1 MT4 with 1 chart M1 alone can not be 'bypassed' by 512MB VPS.